Sunday, July 22, 2018


CODE ORANGE FINALLY RETURNS TO MN! The band has not been back since the release of “Forever” so this show was long overdue. These types of shows are almost unheard of now. No barricade and absolute chaos. They were completely unhinged at Rock on the Range in front of 5,000 plus people, what would be unleashed in the 900 person capacity Amsterdam hall?

I missed PYRALIS’ set unfortunately but what I heard of a half of song at sound check, these guys are crushing. Looking forward to checking out a set of theirs soon.

Brett and I arrived in time for VEIN’s set. Not even 30 seconds in to the first song, someone came out of the pit with a bloody nose. This brought me back to the old days and Martyr AD’s CD release party. Holy crap. Here’s the easiest way to describe Vein… if you dig Code Orange and Dillinger Escape Plan at their most spastic, you’ll enjoy Vein. I heard a lot about this band coming up to this point so I really didn’t want to miss this. Their 20 min set did not disappoint. Heavy, straight and to the point. I had to go pick up the disc so I could hear more.

TWITCHING TOUNGES was up next. This band features Sean Martin who used to be in Hatebreed. The crowd was in to it at certain points but not completely all the way into it like they were for Vein. Their 40 minute set was a little too long but they were solid.

CODE ORANGE came out and the crowd erupted. I’ve been out of the hardcore scene for a while now but man it was like seeing an old friend again. Code Orange’s live set is well rehearsed intense chaos. They have to with all the electronic elements to their music, they have to be on top of their game. Windmills, karate kicks, stage diving, you name it – it was represented during this set.

Launching in to “My World” from I Am King and not allowing a breath before pummeling into “Real” and “Spy” – this was cathartic. If you had something you wanted to work out in the pit, this was your chance.

How Jami juggles frantic drumming with screaming it beyond me. Shade helps out while handling the electronics and extra guitar work. Joe and Dominic stalk the stage adding to the insanity. Reba is one of the best out there headbanging with fury as she punishes the guitar.

“Only One Way” is up next in the set and gets a huge reaction. More melodic than heavy and a definite highlight of the set. So now we all got a tiny breather before the battle continues with “The New Reality”, “Kill the Creator” and “I Am King”.

Reba takes center stage with an intense stare into the crowd as she plays the opening chords of “Bleeding in the Blur”. The rest join in as the song builds up into it’s final eruption.

The brand new “The Hunt” followed. The track released just as the tour began. On the recording Jami and Corey Taylor trade versus. Live, Jami and Reba duel it out and it works flawlessly.

The melodic comes back in for “Ugly” before they finish with a beating served heavy of “Forever” into “The Hurt Goes On”. With no build up at the end, the song is done and the band is off the stage quicker than they entered and the show is over. No encore and everyone left satisfied.

This is easily the last time we’ll see Code Orange in a venue this small. I’m sure next time in a bigger venue, it will be just as intense. Finally, if “Only One Way”, “The Hunt” and “3 Knives” are any indication of what this band can unleash on the unexpecting, Code Orange’s best work is still to come.


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