Thursday, January 11, 2018


TONIGHT ALIVE - "underworld" (Hopeless)

Australian rock band TONIGHT ALIVE releases their 4th studio album "Underworld" Friday (Jan 12) on Hopeless Records. "Underworld" marks the first album without recently departed guitarist Whakaio Taahi. When a member leaves a band, you don't know what to expect. When I first heard "Temple" I got super excited. Tonight Alive was headed back towards a more rock oriented sound from "Limitless". "Limitless" was an experimental album that grew on me over time. I really wanted to hear the band rock like they do live. "Temple" was them going back to that sound and it has all the elements of a great catchy Tonight Alive song.

When they followed up with "Crack My Heart" (which sounds like it would be at home on "Limitless") I wasn't sure what Tonight Alive we were going to get on this album. Like the previous album, the track has grown on me with repeat listens. For the third pre-release single, Tonight Alive released "Disappear" featuring Lynn Gunn from Pvris. "Disappear" took care of any doubt I might have had about this album. The intertwining of Jenna and Lynn's voices are infectious on this track.

Now we have a nice little mix here.

"Underworld" is a fantastic listen. Upon first full listen, two songs immediately grabbed me. "Waiting for the End" is blunt and urgent while "Just for Now" shows a new vulnerability in Jenna's song writing. On the other end, the track "In My Dreams" is a logical progression from the previous album "Limitless" to where this new album is going while the opening track "Book of Love" will immediately grab anyone that was a fan of the first two records.

I'm not going to spoil the surprise that is the the final track "My Underworld" featuring Corey Taylor. Go into it knowing the track is completely unexpected and victorious.

"Underworld" could easily be the best album Tonight Alive has ever released. The album will grow on you the more you listen to it. Jenna really looked to new places for her lyrics and the album pays off tenfold. I expect this album will propel Tonight Alive to new heights. Do yourself a favor and catch Tonight Alive when they come to your town. I'll be there cheering them on with excitement as to see how these songs transfer in a live setting.

Buy the album now!

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