THE DEAD WEATHER - "rough detective" // open up (that's enough) - single
THE ODDFATHERS - "another tear goes dry" // double live
NINE LASHES - "break the world" // from water to war
ENEMY X - "sacrificial burning" // the ends of the earth (2014)
ENEMY X - "all seeing eye" // the ends of the earth (2014)
BOBAFLEX - "I'm glad you're dead" // charlatan's web
ENEMY X - "point blank" // the ends of the earth (2014)
STEEL PANTHER - "the burden of being beautiful" // all you can eat
(ENEMY X 3 song takeover)
IRON MAIDEN - "stranger in a strange land" // somewhere in time
TESTAMENT - "alone in the dark" // first strike still deadly
ARCH ENEMY - "no God, no master" // khaos legions
BLACK LABEL SOCIETY - "my dying time" // catacombs of the black Vatican
ENEMY X - "dead end" // the ends of the earth (2014)
PERIPHERY - "the summer jam" // clear
SOULFLY - "eye for an eye" // soulfly
ENEMY X - "unbroken" // the ends of the earth (2014)
NOPATHY - "nopathy" // nopathy
IMPENDING DOOM - "death will reign" // death will reign
THROWDOWN - "cut away" // intolerance
**SPECIAL THANKS to MILLER, LYNCH, JERRY and JON from ENEMY X for stopping into the Midwest Beatdown this week! Catch ENEMY X's first live show on March 2 with BOBAFLEX and ROYAL BLISS at Buster's in Mankato (21+ show)!!!**

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